Lulach is one of those figures that could have proven a good monarch, I have the suspicion that Macbethad put a lot of effort into his stepson's training but the trouble is the losers had to have their memory smeared. A shame.

But weird as it is I always kind of viewed the coronation of the Hanovers as a dark moment in British history, and the Highland clearances and the lack of Scottish names for British monarchs a sign that Scotland had in a sense been conquered. No English King or English raised German monarch will ever 'lower' themselves and take up Scottish names.

Sad as I'd love to see another James, Robert or Constantine or even Cinaed.

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I'm not aware of any evidence that Macbeth did that, but since he had married into Lulach's family it certainly seems plausible.

The clearances, as I understand it, were initiated by Scottish landlords, so I don't think we can blame anyone else.

And yes, I like the idea of King Cinead II ...

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Yeah there’s no evidence, its why I said it is a suspicion. But thoughts are not conclusions as you said, it is a shame we don’t know more about the Red King and his chosen successor.

And that’s a fair point and correction, I appreciate it that era though is not my expertise. Though given the end result was English domination of Scotland, I do think it is something to consider. That said I don’t think the union of the two nations has been all bad. I mean I love the British Imperial period so without the union we wouldn’t have gotten that. So thank God it did happen.

And wouldn’t it be Cinaed IV? I know there was up to Cinaed III. X)

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I bow to your superior knowledge of the Cinaeds, including how to spell their name :)

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Hahaha I’ve not spelled them quite correctly here, as there’s a special accent to them; Cináed. Strange as it sounds.

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A French person missing the opportunity to add an accent? Quel horreur!

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Ouais, ne le dit pas à mes frères en France! ;)

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